Monday, August 11, 2008

Ethan Wayman

I have to say this first, and Eric will kill me, but the Father of this baby pictured below is NOT Luke from The OC. Its a good thing Eric and I are great friends for me to able to say stuff like that!!!
Our great friends Eric and Cathy Wayman, just had little Ethan last July 15th. My wife and I asked Eric, a pastor at our church Rock Harbor, to marry us at our wedding. We love hangin' with the Waymans. They are super fun to play Catch Phrase with, or any game for that matter. I have never met a more competitive couple! We were so excited to see them have a baby, and Ethan is the man! (especially for the multiple projectile episodes we experienced this morning!)
We shot these around their home, in the bedroom and nursery, and there were great textures and patterns for some good backgrounds. In between shots we were rooting for Phelps, Hoff, and Coughlin during the Olympics, it was great. GO U.S.A!!!!

Love the colors and patterns of this duvee. I had to use it.

Daddy Wayman, looking studly! Cathy made him change his shorts and shirt like 5 times, like it was HIS photo shoot. (more so because of the projectiling though!!)

Look at the belly poppin out!

I think this is my favorite shot. Not only because of shirtless Eric, its just a great, 'real-moment-at-home' photo.

This is one of my favorites!

Again, great textures and patterns here. This is actually the "hooter-hider" feeding blanket.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! That kid is freekin' cute and the mom is gorgeous! It was worth sacrificing two comforters and a few shirts to get the "naked shots," though I could have done without the hairy chest shot. Dang I'm beastly!
Well done A!

Eric (the proud dad and husband!)

Eric & Cathy said...

WOW, Andre you are an AMAZING photographer! Our kid is so gorgeous, I can just look at these photos all day :) Thanks for your time and patience this morning making the photoshoot happen - we love you guys! Can't wait to share this with everyone. Cathy

Anonymous said...

Did we have to see the jewels shot? Like father like son!!!

Anonymous said...

Like father like son? When have you ever seen a jewels shot from daddy?

Unknown said...

Andre...these are amazing sots...I would love to work with you someday!

Susie (Shaw) Fitler said...

LOL! ok so that must have been fun with the projectile and all. AH the great Andre captures the moment yet again! you got a gift man...cheers! suz