Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lisa and Todd Puttin on the Ritz

I first met Lisa and Todd through my really good friend of 7 years, Lisa Ahlgren, whose wedding I had the pleasure of shooting a few years ago. Lisa and her mom took me to Cheesecake Factory for our initial consultation, where we all ordered the exact same thing. Todd, her fiance is just about the nicest guy anyone can meet. His reaction to Lisa walking down the aisle too showed me that he will cherish her forever.
We had a crazy day at the Ritz, there were 3 weddings going on that day, so it was like a zoo. But, secluded in our garden area, and walking the grounds we snapped some awesome shots. My favorite, the one in the elevator. Lisa knows how to work the camera too, once she got warmed up.

My favorite shot of the day!

This is Bella. The "Dawg of Honor"

One of the cutest and studliest ring bearers ever.

Here is Lisa and Kyle. I photographed their wedding a few years ago. I am starting a trend to shoot couples that i have shot before in the most random poses ever.

I love this shot. The lighting is a bit off, but the details in her dress give some dramatic texture and amazing details.

Just loungin'

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