Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Murphy Fam, the Packers, and some Brats.

I just had a KILLER weekend in Green Bay. My buddy Troy Murphy who i know from RockHarbor moved to Green Bay and became the chaplain for the Packers, my all time favorite football team. It was life-long goal to go to a game. Well not only did i hit up a game, i was in a warm box seat, away from the -3 degree weather. We all hung out at the Tail Gate Party before, where i met the Mayor, Jim Schmitt, and had some Wild Turkey to stay warm at 9:30 in the morning. It was epic.
The day before i hung out with the Murphy's at their home and then snapped some sweet photos of the fam. Troy has a beautiful family with FOUR girls, all super cute. Thanks Troy for a great weekend. I can't wait to come back.

I drove by a breathtaking snow-covered field with the setting sun in the back that I HAD to get the fam in.

Beautiful Fam. Good job Troy! (and Trish!)

THis is a fun shot, even though its a prototypical "run to the camera" shot...

This is a fun one.

The girls.

I love this shot.

Troy being a stud.

Two of my favorite things. America and the Packers.

The Mayor of Green Bay and I enjoying some morning grub.

FULL stadium, ofcourse!

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