Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tiff and Phil

You might remember from a post a few months back, Tiff and Phil's proposal pics. Here are their long awaited engagement pics. They are getting married on the 28th of March, and i can't wait to shoot the wedding. We were supposed to go to dinner after the shoot, but i got food poisoning the day before so i felt icky. Despite that, we grabbed some killer shots around Balboa.

They used this one for their Save the Dates. Its a killer shot.

Acrade! YES! how awesome is this?!

I love this shot!

and this one...

2 comments: said...

i LOVE these shots. Thanks for taking such AMAZING pictures.... :)

Александр Верхоляк said...

This is Great! My name is Sasha from Russia, Moscow...i very love Your pictures!!! can you share your secret how to get this warm colors! Thank You.