Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ellie Continued!

Look! Ellie is all grown up! Ok, not really, but she DID just have her first birthday, well, i guess second birthday...wait, i am not sure. SHE'S ONE. I got the pleasure of shooting little Ellie back in November. Check out the blog post...Look for the baby in the copper bucket...Her parents are Margie and Ryan Sullivan. Two really great friends whose wedding i shot in Arizona back in the day. These pics turned out RAD! It helps that Ellie is one of the cutest babies i have ever seen, and I am not just saying that cause they pay me. I mean, look at her hair! She's gonna be a rockstar! I applied some fun new post processing tricks i learned to make these pics really pop. Some of them look like they were shot back in the 30's.

The pre-shot make up and wardrobe...

This shot was great, until she fell through the chair cushion!!! Margie's cat like reflexes pulled her up just in time. I think it was worth it for this shot.

Riding her elephant. One of my personal favorite past times.

Look at that hair! DANG! How hip and trendy is this. I love it. LIke i said...rockstar.

This is my favorite moment shot.

This chair had some great patterns and texture. I had to use it.


ehouse said...

so cute! wow...those pics turned out great! did you use natural light for the inside shots or a flash?

Anonymous said...

Dre great candid kids shots! love the natural lighting and popping Ellie's blue eyes. Always inspiring to see your work.


travis and hayley said...

these pictures are beautiful!!! wow, you just keep getting better and better.
ps. brooke said you are coming to the wedding. can't wait to see you there!