Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Teri and Jacob

I love the Hopper family. I know Tim Hopper from some old friends back in the day. I shot his sisters wedding, Tracy, about 5 years ago, and the her sister in laws wedding shortly after. And a couple of weeks back i had the priveldge of shooting Teri and Jacob's Wedding in Diamond Bar. It was a beautiful day, and bittersweet. The wild fires were literally surrounding us in Fullerton during the reception and we saw flames in each direction. Fortunately they were no threat to us or the surrounding buildings. It will make a great story for years to come! The families of those who lost their homes are in our thoughts and prayers.
We woke up early and shot the bridal photos at downtown Fullerton. We had a great time. The weather was perfect, and the streets were quiet. We found some great buildings and textures to shoot around, one of my favorites being the Fox theater.
Congrats you two! can't wait for the next Hopper affiliated wedding!

I thought I'd start with this. I think this is my favorite shot of the day.

The boys. I love the little guy in the front.

This was a little nook by the Irish pub. A Black and Tan would have been great if it weren't 9 a.m.

Love the wind in the veil here.

Thats right. wedding specials for $99 bucks! can't beat that with a stick

The Fox theater.

The boys wanted to stop at Inn-n-out. Jacob, being from Denver, LOVES this place.

1 comment:

Traci said...

Hi Andre! These pictures look AWESOME! Great work! It doesn't hurt that you had a great looking couple to shoot! :-)