Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wylan at DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!

Wylan is one of the cutest babies i have ever seen. He is even dubbed "Fake Baby" because he is always so docile and smiley. (Donna might disagree with this.) We had a great time at Disneyland walking around snapping tons of fun shots. It was Wylans first time on the tea cups, and on Dumbo. We tried to snap a few on Pinocchios Adventure, but it was way to dark. I pretty much sat alone in my own car and and "enjoyed" the ride. (which is pretty dark and scary i might add...) Wylan was great all day! Later we ate clam chowder together and Brian and I had a chance to hit up Space Mountain. We went on a Tuesday afternoon, and the longest we waited was like 3 minutes on each ride!

Givin' the Sword a tug.

The Carousel was fun. Even though people were looking at me like i was a stalker as i snapped away every time they went by me on the sidelines.

This is my favorite set of shots. Brian is a GREAT Father. i hope to be as loving and fun as him to my son one day.

I get sick just looking at this shot. Tea Cups. Boo.

The Quintessential Christmas Tree shot.

Doesn't everyone remember doing this with their parents???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Andre...You are amazing. I love the pictures. They turned out so good. Thanks!