Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Alison, The OG photographer

Here is Alison and Barak, (not like Obama, like "Bay-rack"). Now Alison and I go WAYYYYY back. She was one of the first people to inspire me to start my business back in 2001. It was back at the Cal Poly U.U. where we met and chatted about photography, film vs digital, the business, marketing, etc. She was working for another photographer and she gave me some great advice. Soon after, Alison and her room-mates were my first ever PAID shoot. i think i made about $60 bucks. Hey, in college that will buy a two-week supply of quesadillas and root beer.
Well, here she is just GLOWING on her wedding day. What a fun wedding to shoot, and what a chill bride. I hope as a thanks for your wisdom back in the day, you can accept these rad images that I shot of you. Even though i didn't do much, you two looked ravishing on your wedding day, i just pushed a button!

1 comment:

BarakAli Davis said...

Thanks Andre! What nice things to say, and what fun memories! You've definitely gone far beyond what were probably your wildest dreams back in the UU with the photo biz. I brag about you to everyone and we absolutely LOVE our pics! You're the best. And P.S. Jessica is GORGEOUS in the shoot you did of her! Tell her hi from us!
Alison & Barak