Thursday, June 5, 2008

Carli and Scott on Nob Hill

I swear this could have been a Kennedy Wedding. This was Carli Folan and Scott Hamilton's wedding I shot last weekend in San Francisco, on the top of Nob Hill. It was perhaps the most elegant, rock-star wedding I have ever shot. And the best part was that the couple and their family and freinds were SOOO down to earth. You might remember their engagement photos a few blog posts back, "The Streets of San Francisco." Carli and Scott were so chill, and so in love. Scott gave one of the sweetest groom speeches I have ever heard. He said he was so used to living his life for himself, and by himself, and the thought of being one with another person and thinking and acting as a couple for the rest of his life warmed his heart. What a stud! Reminds me of how i felt right before I proposed to my wife.
Oh, and this cathedral...forget about it! Built over 150 years ago, and rebuilt after the 1906 earthquake, this French-gothic chapel finished in 1964, is the third largest chapel in the nation. (Yeah, i did some research.) It was a great day, a beautiful wedding, and a super fun night.

A little peek out the window

I love this hallway, this looks like a shot out of W magazine!

Breathtaking. The ceilings were like 150 feet high.

It wouldn't be an A.Niesingphotographer moment without being in the middle of the street.


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