Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Until June Backstage/Onstage at Hotel Cafe

I don't think I have ever posted pics of Until June on this blog...and that is a crime! They are one of my favorite bands. (Granted Josh and Dan Ballard are two of my best friends, both were in my wedding last year.)
Well they are HUGE now in Asia and Greece, last month they were the number one band in Greece. They played live at the VMAs in Greece. Check this out:
They played at Hotel Cafe last week with Tyrone Wells, and I had the privilege to snap some shots back stage, and during the show. (When i wasn't rockin out of course.)
If you haven't checked out their music, DO IT!. You may have heard it from me, or on itunes, or even on Grey's Anatomy.

The Hotel Cafe is a great little bar/club to check out some pretty rad shows.

Josh with their producer Brian Garcia. He has some GREAT stories if you ever have a chance to hang out with him.

Daniel Dempsey, the rhythm master.

This was from one of the mirrors high on the side wall. Kinda fun.

A little Josh montage. What a stud.

Dan wailing.

That hat is hiding pretty much the coolest hair ever.

And a little splash of color.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi!i am vanessa and i'm from greece!
well,your photos are amazing!my parents are photographers ,too.i really want take pictures in special moments like you,in such famous persons!!!we love "until june"
congratulations!!!you are great.this job was really made for you!?!
i 'll be back soon