Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Erin and Jason, ready to POP!

I met Erin and Jason through Kiley and Brandon Riggs, a long time friends who I have photographed, hung out with, and golfed with. (Thats a killer combo.) We met on the beach last night, and it was CROWDED! We ended making fun of some wild teenagers that reminded us of some characters on The OC. I swear, my wife has me hooked on that show now...anyways, back to Erin. Jason wasn't super excited about the camera, but once we got started,he warmed up and we had a blast. They are going to have a baby girl in about 6 weeks, and I am SOOO excited to photograph their newborn...if not their delivery photos...hint hint! Erin will be a beautiful new mom, and Jason will be a great Father. I can feel it in my bones.
Enjoy these pics guys, and i can't wait to meet the little one!

This is my favorite one. Its so still, yet there is a lot of energy in this shot.

Great colors popping here.

This one, not so much with colors, but definitely not lacking on pop.

Great tummy profile here.

She might kill me for saying this, but Erin looks so much like Christina Applegate...look hard, i know you can see it. (Post-Married with Children of course...think Anchorman.)

I love this little mini-cave.

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