Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Erin and Seth in Sonoma, at B.R. Cohn Winery.

Let me start by saying the was in an INCREDIBLE weekend. We arrived in Sonoma on Friday to meet up with the whole wedding party and family for a day of wine tasting. It was amazing. There was a limo bus and gold star treatment from all the wineries. Needless to say, i bought quite a few wines. Kenwood Jack London Zinfandel is superb if you have a chance to pick it up. Then later than night, Erin and Seth had a party for all their guest at this killer retro resort, the Flamingo. There were two open bars and some incredible appetizers. It was pretty much the BEST pre-wedding day we have ever done.
The day of the wedding was awesome. Erin was so chill and not in the least high maintenance. She was pretty much the perfect bride. Easy going, but yet very stylish and intentional about planning her beautiful wedding. Seth was also fun to work with. Tell me you don't think he looks like John Stewart...The whole thing took place at B.R. Cohn winery, actually owned and operated by the manager of the Doobie Brothers! The colors were amazing. Bright vibrant yellows and greens really accented the fall colors that were just stating to pop out in late August.
Oh, and Erin was GORGEOUS in her classic dress. She had a very timeless and vintage beauty about her.
Thanks so much for the super fun Friday, and a great wedding.
P.S. the port and chocolate bar was amazing!

By late august the grapes were a beautiful purple-blue color. (and they tasted amazing!)

This was a great backdrop for her dress.

Like i said, timeless beauty!

This is one of my favorite shots of the day. The bouquet looked great for photos alone, but matched with the vineyard and the dress, they really popped!

This was the ceremony on Fox Hill at the winery. Apparently they just started doing ceremonies here. Absolutely breath taking., surrounded by vineyards under the trees.

This was great among the olive trees.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and taking an interest. I actually don't like to talk too much about my "fence" issue publicly, but if you're that interested, you're welcome to email me. =)

Beaaaauuuutiful photography, btw. Just stunning.