Friday, October 24, 2008

The Green Machines - JUST MARRIED!!

Caren and David got married last weekend at the Hilton in Huntington Beach. It was a super fun wedding. The had like 20 people in the wedding party, AND were able to keep their composure and have a great time! We went down to the peninsula in a vintage trolley that we rented, ask the bride and groom about the ride, it was quite an adventure!
We tried to go onto the beach, the wind was brutal, so we stayed mostly down town in the buildings. Caren was a great bride, really fun with just about a million different faces to photograph, as you can see from below.
They got my name from Kara and Rob, whose baby i posted about 4 or 5 posts ago. It was great to see them and catch up. Congrats on the baby again you two! The reception was tons of fun. The live band they had was spectacular, (the same one from Kara's wedding,) and with the delicious appetizer platter that Caren snuck my and my assistant was DEE-LISH!

The many faces of Caren...

A gemstone C and D on the bottom of her shoes...awesome!

Love this moment on the bus. (right after i popped some more champagne for the lucky couple!

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