Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Julie and Darrin

Julie and Darrin were married in Temecula at Falkner winery, one of my favorites with one of the most beautiful views in the valley. Let me tell you, this couple was awesome. Darrin is one of the nicest, coolest guys i have ever met. He looks like the long lost twin of Lamont Hiebert, the singer of a great band Ten Shekel Shirt.
Any wedding in Temcula is fun, but this last Saturday we found a lot of fun textures and colors popping out at the wedding right before sunset. The ceremony was also a joy to be apart of. Darrin actually washed Julie's feet during the ceremony, a very powerful and symbolic gesture found in the Bible of lifelong servitude and humility. It was beautiful!

I LOVE fun colors that pop and contrast with a white wedding dress. Ladies, you heard me say it, get colorful shoes for me to photograph!

This wooden wall was a great backdrop.

The boys praying before the ceremony

Even though we lost some sun for photos after the ceremony, it was peeking through the hills to give an amazing backlight with super rich and warm colors

The feet washing. I wish i would have done this at MY wedding ceremony.

The happy couple light on their feet. What a super fun reception with mariachi and all!

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